Rescue Meal
Finding meal donors to keep COVID-19 front-liners resilient.
To donate meals, read on. To donate via card or PayPal, click

Food Handling Guidelines: Hand-wash frequently. Use masks and gloves. Don't touch your face. No physical contact with others. Preferably, stay 10 feet away from others. Only a low-risk person may receive or pick-up food. People who directly handle COVID-19 patients are discouraged. Follow NO-CONTACT delivery.
Disclaimer: This is a volunteer program and is offered as-is, where-is. We cannot be held liable for your use of this program. While we cannot guarantee the authenticity of the needs and donors, we do verification checks to the extent our resources permit.
Our Partners

A SHOUT-OUT to all the volunteers behind this program.
Arvin Cabichuelas
Barrio Fiesta, Jay and Aui Tamayo
Carlo Ortega
Christian Mabunga
Denise Ballares
Francine Longid
Franco’s Friends PH
Gourmet Gypsy, Waya Araos-Wijangco
Harold Balano
Dr. Ivy Reside
​Ivy Sison
Jae Javier
Janine Pano
Jenie Belo
Joy Cruz
Lara Mae Rosaldo
May Tan
Myron’s, Ramon and Monica Eugenio
nowheretogobutUP Foundation Inc.
Rina Tan
Atty Stefano Lim and Hirayang Kabataan NGO